
Today was a bit easier, a bit harder. Mum slept most of the day. I sat by her bedside reading, or slept in the quiet room across the hall. Friends visited and the family came and went. Sarah and Kelly sat on the couch for hours finishing a cross-stitch of the Cat in the Hat that Mum had started for Al.

She’s still well in herself – a weird thing to say about someone with metastatic cancer, but she doesn’t feel “old” and doesn’t like calling the nurses because it’s not as if she’s “really sick.” When she’s awake she’s very present and enjoys our company. Nurse Dale believes the pain relief is allowing her body to rest itself for the first time in eight months.

I had a long talk to Big, who pointed out that we really need to make sure Dad’s laptop is backed up in case he drops it in a bucket. This is not likely but if it did happen, it would be bad. Sarah has a terabyte USB hard drive lying around, so Al’s going to take it over tomorrow. Systems administration as an expression of love.

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